Kamis, 30 September 2010

Flood disaster

Flooding is an event setting the mainland (which is usually dry) because of the increased volume of water
Flooding can occur due to excessive water peluapan somewhere due to heavy rain, over river water, or the outbreak of the river dam.

Causes of flooding - Among the several causes of flooding are:
1. Illegal logging
2. Accumulation of trash in waterways, causing blockage of drains.
3. The absence of more ground water recharge to be used as a place for him to rest when his rain to fall. no more green land as a place to recharge ground water. Consequently, when the rains come, the land becomes inundated by water, and then the water continues to slide without any natural barriers which then causes the flood.

Natural factors causes of flooding are:
The storm also caused flooding in several ways, including through the large waves that can reach 8 feet tall. In addition, there are also storm precipitation associated with storm events. Eye of the storm has a very low pressure, so sea level may rise a few meters in the eyes of thunder. Coastal flooding as is often the case in Bangladesh.

Seafloor earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that formed the island of craters (such as Thera or Krakatau) can trigger a huge wave called a tsunami that caused flooding in coastal areas.

This is the other picture of flood disaster :

this is the video

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